
Becketts on Ball Street, Sheffield

Netherthorpe, Upperthorpe and Neepsend news is a brand new hyperlocal website showcasing all that Netherthorpe, Upperthorpe and Neepsend have to offer. We share news, events and local history in these unique parts of Sheffield 3+6, championing local people, local organisations and local businesses.

Netherthorpe, Upperthorpe and Neepsend live in Sheffield 3 and Sheffield 6, parts of Sheffield on the edge of the city centre. Vibrant and diverse and close to the University of Sheffield, Netherthorpe, Upperthorpe and Neepsend have a lot to offer their residents, workers, organisations and visitors.

From a selection of vegan eateries in Neepsend to a terrifying roundabout up in Netherthorpe, via Upperthorpe with its library, swimming pool and delicious takeaways, at Netherthorpe, Upperthorpe and Neepsend news, we hope to bring you the area’s news, views and happenings.

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Image Credits: Sheffield Tiger.

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